APMP creates bright and interesting individual turnkey projects.

In this first step, the team comes up with games, and the game design work should begin. The main goal of this event is game design documentation, which includes Vision and Concept Document.

Prototyping and Vertical Slice

The team creating a prototype to evaluate the main gameplay. The purpose of the Vertical Slice is to get the smallest possible full version of the game, including the fully implemented core gameplay.

Content production

This produces enough content for the first launch to an external audience. Artists create all graphic resources, game designers adjust balance and fill in configs, programmers implement and polish all features.

Friends & Family / CBT and Soft Launch / OBT

At the CBT stage, the product is demonstrated for the first time to a sufficiently wide public, although it is loyal to the product or company. At the OBT stage, testing of the game continues, but already for a wide audience.